
SOROTEC - CNC Portal Engraving Machine

  • we can engrave steel, aluminium, brass, bronze, plastics, wood, leather, stone and glass
  • CNC controlled, so we can engrave your logo or any other motive according to customer's request on all above mentioned materials (also 3D engraving works possible)
  • controlled rotary axis, so it is possible to engrave on a shell surface, like for example a wine glass or wine bottle
  • travel X=1150mm, Y=1050mm, Z=220mm
  • clamping surface: X=1500mm Y=1050mm
  • engraving works are comparable with laser engraving, it only goes into the depth. No burning or blackening of the materials


Serfaus Fiss Ladis Europäische Reiseversicherung Rad- und Bikeunterkunft